Feedback & reviews on autopilot via Vincere
Measure and improve your candidate and customer experience. Get reviews and grow your staffing agency. Fully on autopilot via Vincere.

Want to grow your staffing agency? No problem.
Choose any of our 100+ survey templates for candidate and customer experience, and off you go. Ask for feedback and reviews on autopilot during one or more touchpoints within your processes via Vincere. You'll improve every day, and will generate a lot of positive word-of-mouth. The solution to sustainable and organic growth.
Plug-and-play integration with Vincere
Pre-built surveys and triggers to get you started
We've built many surveys and triggers that you can use out-of-the-box to measure, improve and grow your staffing agency in a few clicks.
Personalised messages to increase the response rate
The owner of the candidate or customer will be the sender of your messages. This way, messages feel human and high response rates are ensured. Also, the owner can be traced back to the feedback collected.
Enrich & filter experience data in Vincere
Our solution is fully integrated with Vincere, so you don't have to switch between apps to experience the added value.
Experience data natively available
Our integration lets you update custom fields within Vincere, making sure your native data in Vincere is up-to-date with the latest experience data. And it can be used for filtering and searching as well. Nice, right?
Embedded charts, dashboards & tabs
We support embedded charts, dashboards, and tabs for both candidates and customers, so a unified experience is guaranteed for your recruiters.

We support these events
Feedback on autopilot via Vincere
Ask for feedback at the right time: right after something happened within Vincere. And personalise your feedback request by using the owner of the event as sender dynamically. This way, you get honest feedback and achieve high response rates.
Candidate shortlisted
- Candidate shortlisted
Ask a candidate or client for feedback when a candidate is shortlisted
Candidate sent
- Candidate sent
Ask a candidate or client for feedback when a candidate is sent
Candidate: first interview
- Candidate: first interview
Ask a candidate or client for feedback after a candidate's 1st interview
Candidate: second interview
- Candidate: second interview
Ask a candidate or client for feedback after a candidate's 2nd interview
Candidate received offer
- Candidate received offer
Ask a candidate or client for feedback when a candidate received an offer
Candidate placed
- Candidate placed
Ask a candidate or client for feedback when a candidate is placed
Want to know how to grow?Get your demo now.
Proven survey templates
Ask the right question(s) via Vincere
- Tags
- Candidate
- Intake
How did you find your intake (video)call experience with us? Use this survey template to collect feedback on the candidate intake process.
- Tags
- Candidate
Job Interview
- Job Interview
How did you experience your recent job interview with/via us? Use this survey template to gather feedback on the interview process and make necessary improvements.
- Tags
- Candidate
- Rejection
How did the decision make you feel? Utilise this survey template to gather feedback on the rejection process and find ways to enhance the experience.
- Tags
- Candidate
- Withdrawal
Why did you decide to withdraw? Use this survey template to understand the reasons behind withdrawals and gather insights to improve the experience in the future.
- Tags
- Candidate
Post Placement
- Post Placement
Congratulations on your new role! How did you find the recruitment process? Use this survey template to collect feedback before the candidate officially starts.
- Tags
- Hiring Manager
Quality of Hire
- Quality of Hire
How do you evaluate the hiring process and the quality of the role you've been offered? Use this survey template to gather insights on the quality of recruitment.
- Tags
- CandidateHiring Manager
- Contract
How did you perceive the contract process? Was it clear and efficient? Collect feedback on the contracting process using this survey template.
- Tags
- Hiring Manager
- Hired
Cheers! We've found a new match. Seek reviews through platforms like Glassdoor or Google and understand the experiences of clients who have hired someone.
- Tags
- Candidate
- Onboarding
How's your new job going so far? Use this survey template to check in on candidates' early experiences and gather feedback for improvements.
- Tags
- Candidate
Application / Registration
- Application / Registration
How did you experience the online application process? This proven survey template probes into areas like the website, job description, and response time.
- Tags
- Candidate
- Payment
How did you find your payment experience? Use this survey template to gather feedback on the payment process and highlight areas of improvement.
- Tags
- Candidate
Assignment Evaluation
- Assignment Evaluation
How did you find your recent assignment with us? Gather insights and improve future collaborations with this survey template.
- Tags
- CandidateHiring Manager
Call or Meeting
- Call or Meeting
How did you experience our recent call or meeting? Gather feedback on communication and efficiency using this survey template.
- Tags
- CandidateHiring Manager
Net Promoter Score (NPS)
- Net Promoter Score (NPS)
How likely are you to recommend us to others? Dive into your NPS score and the reasons behind it with this survey template.
- Tags
- CandidateHiring Manager
Support Ticket
- Support Ticket
Were you satisfied with how your support ticket was handled? Delve into the customer service experience with this survey template and uncover areas of enhancement.
- Tags
- Candidate
Aanmelding / Sollicitatie
- Aanmelding / Sollicitatie
Hoe heb je het online sollicitatieproces ervaren? Deze beproefde enquête template stelt vragen over o.a. je website, functiebeschrijving en reactietijd.
- Tags
- Candidate
- Intakegesprek
Hoe heb je jouw intakegesprek ervaring met ons ervaren? Gebruik dit enquêtesjabloon om feedback te verzamelen over het intakeproces voor kandidaten.
- Tags
- Candidate
- Sollicitatiegesprek
Hoe heb je jouw sollicitatiegesprek met/via ons ervaren? Gebruik dit sjabloon om feedback te verzamelen over het sollicitatieproces en maak de nodige verbeteringen.
- Tags
- Candidate
- Afwijzing
Hoe voelde je je na onze beslissing? Gebruik deze enquête template om feedback te verzamelen over het afwijzingsproces en ontdek hoe je dit kunt verbeteren.
- Tags
- Candidate
- Terugtrekking
Waarom heb je besloten je terug te trekken? Gebruik dit sjabloon om de redenen achter terugtrekkingen te begrijpen en inzichten te verzamelen voor toekomstige verbeteringen.
- Tags
- Candidate
- Geplaatst
Gefeliciteerd met je nieuwe rol! Hoe heb je het wervingsproces ervaren? Gebruik dit sjabloon om feedback te verzamelen voordat je daadwerkelijk begint.
- Tags
- Hiring Manager
- Aangenomen
Hoera! We hebben een nieuwe match. Vraag om een review via bijvoorbeeld Glassdoor of Google en ontdek de ervaringen van klanten die iemand hebben aangenomen.
- Tags
- CandidateHiring Manager
- Overeenkomst
Hoe vond je het contractproces? Was het helder en efficiënt? Verzamel feedback over het contractproces met dit sjabloon.
- Tags
- Candidate
- Onboarding
Hoe gaat je nieuwe baan tot nu toe? Gebruik dit enquêtesjabloon om te checken hoe de eerste ervaringen van kandidaten zijn en verzamel feedback voor verbeteringen.
- Tags
- Hiring Manager
Quality of Hire
- Quality of Hire
Hoe beoordeel je het wervingsproces en de kwaliteit van de rol die je hebt gekregen? Met deze enquête template krijg je feedback over de kwaliteit van werving en selectie.
- Tags
- Candidate
- Betaling
Hoe heb je jouw betalingservaring ervaren? Gebruik deze enquête template om feedback te verzamelen over het betalingsproces.
- Tags
- Candidate
- Opdrachtevaluatie
Hoe vond je jouw recente opdracht bij/via ons? Verzamel inzichten en verbeter toekomstige samenwerkingen met dit sjabloon.
- Tags
- CandidateHiring Manager
- Gesprek
Hoe heb je onze recente call of meeting ervaren? Verzamel feedback over communicatie en efficiëntie met deze enquête template.
- Tags
- CandidateHiring Manager
Net Promoter Score (NPS)
- Net Promoter Score (NPS)
Hoe waarschijnlijk is het dat je ons aan anderen aanbeveelt? Ontdek met deze enquête template je NPS score en de redenen daarachter.
- Tags
- CandidateHiring Manager
- Supportticket
Hoe heb je de afhandeling van je supportticket ervaren? Met dit sjabloon krijg je inzicht in de klantenservice-ervaring.
Our reviews
What do Vincere users say?
We use our own solution to collect real-time customer feedback, of course. Hereunder you'll find what our mutual customers have to say about our integration with Vincere:
Searchable attributes, tabs & dashboards
Two-way integration with Vincere
Our solution is fully integrated with Vincere, so you don't have to switch between apps to experience the added value. Searchable attributes, filters, tabs, and insightful dashboards will be available for each user within your Vincere app.

Ready to collect feedback viaVincere? Let's launch that rocket!
Start collecting feedback on autopilot via Vincere today - it's that easy. Schedule a demo now or check out our plans and pricing - no strings attached.
Frequently asked questions
Can’t find the answer you’re looking for? Reach out to our support team, we'll be thrilled to help you!
- What costs do you charge per survey that's sent?
We don't charge for surveys sent. Your plan includes an unlimited number of surveys sent.
- Is the integration included in the price?
Of course, the integration is included. We'll help you set up the integration; no need for technical skills!
- Is onboarding included in the price?
Yes, it is. We help you integrate your app or tool with Ratecard. Next, we'll help you set up your feedback program(s) - no string attached. You'll also receive an extensive walk-through of our app, if you like.