All-in-one feedback inbox

Feedback is the breakfast of champions

Enrich feedback with tags automatically

Your feedback is automatically tagged with its source, event type, and sentiment to help you save valuable time.

Filter your inbox for optimal performance

You can filter feedback per user or team, open or closed feedback, and assignee to help you work as effectively as possible.

Act on feedback and close the loop

Assign feedback to your colleague(s)

Make sure feedback is heard by your colleague(s) in question, and let them process feedback personally if you want to.

Reply to feedback and close the feedback loop

Let your stakeholders know you're taking feedback seriously by replying to it and ultimately closing the feedback loop.
Ratecard Inbox - Assign

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Trusted by 100+ customers all over the world

events captured
messages sent
response rate

Improve your experience on autopilot via our in-depth integrations

Ratecard Integration - MySolutionRatecard - Integration - Vincere