Build your own survey

Drag-and-drop builder with preview

Rating types: CES, CSAT and NPS (standard/EU)

In order to measure your experience, reputation or quality we let you make use of all best-in-class rating types you can think of.

Input fields: text, user, team, multiple choice and more

You can use many types of predefined input fields. These let you collect all types of data, and are specifically designed to achieve a high response rate.

Prefill data for optimal conversion

Respondent clicked? Answer prefilled.

Whenever your respondent clicks within your message, e.g. on a CSAT or NPS, the answer will be prefilled automatically.

Hide questions and prefill answers from any source

If you hide a question, you can prefill its answer with data from your verified sources. This helps you analyse anything you want.
Prefill data automatically via smart fields - Ratecard

Use logic to route respondents

Not relevant? Skip the question.

Only show a question whenever a respondent answers another question in a certain way that you've defined. Skip it otherwise.

Route your respondents based on input

Decide what route your respondent should follow based on their input. Very valuable if you want to save your respondent time, and ask the right question to the right respondent.

Custom thank you pages

Loving it? Let's ask for a review

You can route posivite respondents to Facebook, Google, Glassdoor or Indeed, and ask them to write a review. Only good vibes!

Got a hater? Thank him or her.

Negative feedback is invaluable. Thank your negative respondents and let them know how you're planning to improve.
Ratecard - Reputation management

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Improve your experience on autopilot via our in-depth integrations

Ratecard Integration - MySolutionRatecard - Integration - Vincere