All features
Trusted worldwide by companies in 50+ countries
Our product is used to improve every day, and help companies to achieve great results
- events captured
- 672K+
- messages sent
- 433K+
- response rate
- 34.1%
Survey builder
Build your survey, add paths with logic and measure CES, CSAT or NPS
Distribute your survey via personalized messages and track everything
Triggers & actions
Automatically capture events from your apps & tools to trigger surveys and more
Take action by assigning, replying to, noting, and closing your feedback loop
Reports & alerts
Set up alerts for the right people and build reports so you know how to grow
Widgets & reviews
Publish reviews on your company page and add a review widget to your website
Survey builder
Our survey builder lets you create your questionnaire within minutes. We provide you with 20+ question types you can use with one click: CES, CSAT, NPS (standard/EU), and many more.
Prefill data for optimal conversion
- We love to help you maximise your response rate. Use hidden fields and prefill these fields with data from your message's verified source to save time and create the best insights possible.
Use logic to route respondents
- Let your respondents skip a question - or two - to route them to the exact questions you'd like them to answer. No time to waste.
Custom thank you pages
- Negative respondents provide valuable feedback, so we thank them. But we don't ask them for a review, of course.
Collect feedback via all channels you're communicating with your stakeholders: email, text, and QR, for example.
Personalised emails for high response
- Email is - still - one of the best converting communication channels out there. We help you get the most out of this channel. You can choose from many proven email templates including personalised email signature that's dynamically filled with your users' info.
Everyone opens your branded SMS
- Don't hesitate to make use of SMS as it's opened almost always, and can be a huge enabler for your communication team.
Measure the offline world with QR
- Our QR generator lets you distribute surveys in the offline world, one of the most important channels for many businesses like yours.

Triggers & actions
Ask for feedback or a review on autopilot right after something happened within your favorite apps and tools, e.g. whenever a meeting is scheduled.
Capture owner data and use it for personalisation
- The organiser of the meeting or the owner of the contact can be set as the sender of your messages. This way, messages feel human and high response rates are ensured. And owner data can be used for analysing.
Add experience data & filters to your app
- We can automatically update custom fields within your favorite app, making sure your native data in your app is up-to-date with the latest experience data. And it can be used for filtering and searching as well.
Embedded charts, dashboards & tabs
- We support embedded charts, dashboards and tabs for contact profiles within your app, so a unified experience is guaranteed for your users.
The all-in-one feedback inbox lets you process feedback in one go. Start your day like a champion: with feedback for breakfast.
Enrich feedback with tags automatically
- Your feedback is automatically tagged with its source, event type, and sentiment to help you save valuable time.
Filter your inbox for optimal performance
- You can filter feedback per user or team, open or closed feedback, and assignee to help you work as effectively as possible.
Act on feedback and close the loop
- Make sure feedback is heard by your colleague(s) and let them process feedback personally. Let your stakeholders know you're taking feedback seriously by replying to it and ultimately closing the feedback loop.

Reports & alerts
Make sure you and your stakeholders are always up-to-date and can act as fast as possible thanks to valuable and real-time insights.
Feedback alerts & confirmations
- Make sure you and your respondent get a notification whenever feedback is left. Set up alerts for other stakeholders, too.
Customisable dashboards & reports
- Aggregate, filter and analyse data you've collected in real-time dashboards and reports that you can share with anyone. We provide you with CSAT, NPS, comparison, journey, and many more out-of-the-box dashboards and reports right away. You can also export any report.
Data visualisation for valuable insights
- We provide you with extensive filtering, customisation, and visualisation: plot your feedback on a map, providing you a bird's eye view of your business. Rank almost all data types via our leaderboard report to compare candidates, users, teams, branches, offices, and countries.
Widgets & reviews
The best way to prove that you provide value with your products and services is through verified reviews.
Pre-built widgets you can customise
- Copy/paste our pre-built widgets, and you're done! Customise colors, show, hide or anonymise respondents' names, customise your widget's URL and decide what reviews you'd like to show with filters.
API & webhooks for next-level integrations
- Need something we don't currently offer in our pre-built widgets? Build anything you like with our extensive API & webhooks.
Increase ranking via search & socials
- Expensive to grow your business via search and socials? Not if you do it organically. Use rich snippets and native reviews as a recipe for great success and business growth at almost no costs.

Our reviews
What do our customers say?
Improve your experience on autopilot via our 1,000+ integrations
Take your company to the next level with the world's most powerful feedback solution. Fully on autopilot via all your apps & tools.